Bénilde Romançon

Bénilde Romançon

Bénilde Romançon
Born 13 June 1805
Thuret, France
Died 13 August 1862
Saugues, France
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Beatified 4 April 1948 by Pope Pius XII
Canonized 29 October 1967 by Pope Paul VI
Feast 13 August

Saint (Brother) Bénilde Romançon, FSC (1805–1862) was a Christian Brother who was born as Pierre Romançon on June 13, 1805, in the town of Thuret, Puy-de-Dôme in France to a farming family. In 1818, Pierre, aged 13, first saw the Christian Brothers in a market at Clermont-Ferrand. He instantly felt a strong desire to become a brother. Despite the objections of his father, he was enrolled at the brothers' school at Riom. When he applied to the novitiate, his superiors were reluctant to take him in, because he was too short of stature.

He was admitted to the novitiate at Clermont on February 10, 1820, at the age of 14. He was given the habit on June 22, 1820, and was given the name Brother Bénilde. He taught in Aurillac, Moulins, Limoges, Clermont and Billom, and founded a school in Saugues in France where he stayed through the rest of his life. Brother Bénilde was known for his sanctity, effective teaching, generosity to students, brothers, and townspeople, and for the excellent reputation of his school. He died on August 13, 1862, at Saugues of natural causes. He was beatified on April 4, 1948, by Pope Pius XII who mentioned that his sanctification was attained by enduring "the terrible daily grind" and by "doing common things in an uncommon way." He was canonized by Pope Paul VI on October 29, 1967.

Educational institutions named after Saint Benilde
